Meter Reading Software | Meter Billing Software

Meter Module

Complete Automated Meter Reading & Billing Software

Meter Billing SoftwareMiracle Service software incorporates many time-saving and powerful features specifically developed for the office technology industry. Collecting accurate meter reads and timely invoicing are critical business processes for the office equipment market. The meter reading and billing software features of our Meter Module allows dealers to unify meters that are collected via remote monitoring systems, direct from the machine, by technician walk through, or from the customer directly, into one central database. Then the cost-per-click invoices are calculated and generated based on their contracts. We have you covered with Miracle Service's meter reading and billing software.

Benefits of Meter Reading  Software | Meter Billing Software
  • Fully automatic meter readings, hassle-free data entry
  • Improve productivity by automating tedious meter collection and data entry processes
  • Improve meter reading accuracy and reduce discrepancies due to manual errors
  • Manage more meter contracts
  • Simplified and automated meter billing and contract administration
  • One central repository for all billable meters
  • Built-in meter validation
 Additional Options
Customer Self-Service Portal

This portal allows you to set up automatic email notification for your customer when their meter readings are due. Customers who manually enter their meter readings would simply click on the link in the email and enter their readings directly into Miracle Service.

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System Requirements

Click here for a guideline on the minimum system requirements.