January 3, 2025

What Is a Net Promoter Score? (And Why It’s Critical for Service-based Businesses)

If you could ask your clients just one question, would it be “How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” Established by Bain & Company in 2003, the Net Promoter Score was created to help companies measure customer loyalty, using a single question survey conducted by phone, email or web, with a 10-point rating scale and a short answer section. How willing your customers are to recommend your services to others determines which category they fall into: promoters, passives or detractors.
January 3, 2025

Software: Build vs. Buy

Recently I was approached by a scale dealer who recounted to me that he has spent $100K and 12+months developing a certificate management program that, even once complete, will not have the capabilities of software that is readily available for his industry today at a fraction of the price. This is not uncommon for us to hear.
January 3, 2025

Release Announcement – New Customer Portal

We're pleased to announce the NEW Customer Self-Service Portal is now available. Built using the latest mobile technology, this add-on is available for Miracle Service (SQL) and forms the development platform for all our upcoming portal releases. More coming this year!
January 2, 2025

Five Reasons Your Business Should Be Concerned About Ransomware

Unfortunately, security breaches are on the increase. Ransomware is especially concerning because of the potentially dramatic and negative effects on your business and personnel. To prevent ransomware from becoming your problem, follow good security practices...
January 2, 2025

Who Benefits More From Supplies Automation: The Dealer or the Distributor?

One of the latest trends in the office printing industry is automating the process of supplies fulfillment between a dealer and a distributor. The obvious benefit is that once this is set up, a dealer should spend less time “cutting P.O.’s.” While this is definitely a benefit, there is potential for costs to increase over time. Here are some things to consider: