December 15, 2017

Feature Spotlight/Coming Soon

The brand new Mobile Field Technician Console is almost complete! We will be releasing a BETA version in the next few weeks to select customers for testing. Highlights will include...
December 1, 2017

10 Efficiency-Boosting Tips

TIP 1: DON’T LET HIGH FUEL COSTS BURN UP YOUR PROFITS. Driving paperwork back and forth to the customer site can send profits up in smoke. Instead, have your technicians complete work orders in the field, entering data instantly through their laptops, tablets or mobile devices. This starts the seamless process of generating invoices right away…
June 19, 2017

Release Announcement – New Customer Portal

We're pleased to announce the NEW Customer Self-Service Portal is now available. Built using the latest mobile technology, this add-on is available for Miracle Service (SQL) and forms the development platform for all our upcoming portal releases. More coming this year!
October 17, 2016

Attracting Talent to Your Company

Does planning your retirement, managing staff turnover, and attracting new “millennial” talent to your scales business keep you up at night? OK, maybe they don’t keep you up all night, but it’s difficult to imagine that as a company owner or senior manager, you are not concerned that so much of your business processes and customer relationships are tied to a few key employees – that could retire, or leave at any time.
May 20, 2016

Software: Build vs. Buy

Recently I was approached by a scale dealer who recounted to me that he has spent $100K and 12+months developing a certificate management program that, even once complete, will not have the capabilities of software that is readily available for his industry today at a fraction of the price. This is not uncommon for us to hear.